
This is your one-stop-shop for all the features inside the Journaling App!


Set/Update Targets (Calories, Macros, Water) App - Set Targets.mp4?alt=media&token=3980c9cd-1f8d-4d25-99a6-00bacab56d3b

  1. Click on the person icon at the bottom.
  2. Click the "+" icon at the bottom to add a new target.
  3. Enter the targets you got fromĀ Calculate Your Nutrition.
  4. Press and hold on any target to remove them.

Set/Update Reminders Journaling - Reminders.mp4?alt=media&token=6b3625dc-e235-4053-872e-c3f6bf343818

  1. Tap the Gear icon on the bottom right and click "Reminders."

How to Log Food & Water

  1. Click on the "+ Add Food" button in the center of the screen or the "+" button on the bottom.
  2. You can log food in the following format:
    1. Type and send food in the form of: food name (quantity)

      • Examples
        • rice (1 cup)
        • trader joe's hummus (1 serving)
        • water (1 cup)
      • If you don't provide a quantity, the app will automatically assume (1).
    2. Take a picture of the nutrition label and just send the name of the food without specifying the quantity (we'll assume 1 serving).

      1. NOTE: When sending nutrition labelĀ please show the full label, which includes: calories, fats, carbs, protein, fiber, and sugar.

        This will help speed things up for our people-in-back because otherwise, they have to manually look this information up on the internet.

    3. Take a photo of your dish with your hand next to it without specifying the quantity. We'll use what's in the photo to gauge portion size.

  3. If you press enter on your keyboard or click the "Add Another Food" button, you can add more foods.
  4. When you're done, click the orange "Submit" button at the bottom.

Log Recipes & add Ingredients